Friday, August 9, 2013

Random(Florida Georgia Line Girlfriend? say what?)

So I was wonder why I was getting a lot of traffic on this blog and turns out If you Google search Florida Georgia Line a picture of me and both the boys comes up. If you Bing search "Tyler Hubbard girlfriend a picture of me and the lead singer of Florida Georgia Line pops up! Well If its on the internet it's legit right! well not exactly, although he is very attractive and I have been in one of their music videos as well as partied with both of them, I am not Tyler's Girlfriend! Also is you Google Brian's Girlfriend a picture of me pops up as well. I find it to be a hug compliment and I do love both those boys but I am not dating either of them! Brian in fact has a very beautiful girlfriend and they look very happy together so I couldn't be happier for them. But If it brings traffic to my page I thank Bing and Google! On another random note I have a dog that loves Strawberries and I have created a monster by feeding them to her, she now wants them all the time lol. This week has been a pretty good week and I just got my hair done so I'm one happy girl. I will try to be on her more and post more so keep and eye out for more stuff! Love you guys <3
(Oh look their we are)

(Not His Girlfriend lol)

(Google it and my blog pops up)

(feeding Her Strawberries lol)

(Hair Done)

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