Monday, February 4, 2013

Super Bowl And A Birthday!!

Last Week was pretty great. My girl Amanda turned 23 Friday and we celebrated by going to Cowboys Orlando. There was plenty of drinking a lot of line dancing and even a cake fight. It was a fun and crazy night but one that my girl deserved. Saturday was recovery for me and not much else except a lot of movies which was fine with me. Sunday was Super Bowl 47 between the Raven and the 49ers. The first half was boring because it was more of a slaughter than a game. The ravens were killing the 49ers, So all I really cared about were the commercials. But after half time the power to half of the stadium went out and stayed out for 37 minutes. When the power came back on the 49ers brought there game back and it was hard to take my eyes off the TV. In the end the Raven won the Super Bowl but for a while you thought the 49ers were going to take it. It was a pretty good game the last half and the half time show was not bad either. With that we say "bye bye football. Hello NASCAR". Overall it was a good weekend :)
(All The Girls)
(The Birthday Girl)
(Me Line Dancing)
(Anyone Want Cake?)
(Showing The Birthday Girl Love)

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